2 copies Personal Data Sheet (Original – First Claim Only)
2 copies Panunumpa sa Katungkulan (Certified as true copy)
2 copies First Day of Service (Certified true copy – First Claim Only)
2 copies of DTR – Biometric Machine generated with justification for no entries (1st set original, 2nd set – certified as true copy)
2 copies Assignment Order (Certified as true copy)
2 copies BIR Form 2306/1902 (Generated copy)
2 copies Pagibig MDF (First Claim Only) (Certified as true copy)
2 copies Philhealth MDR (First Claim Only) (Certified as true copy)
2 copies DBP Account (First Claim Only)(Certified as true copy)
2 copies SALN (Certified as true copy)
[/toggle] [toggle title=”What are the requirements for Salary Differential – Promotion and Step Increments “]2 copies Approved Appointment2 copies Payslip (before and after integration
2 copies of DTR (Biometric Machine generated with justification for no entries
2 copies NOSA/NOSI for Salary Adjustments
[/toggle] [/toggles]