Project Description |
Date Posted |
14. Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the 2023 Results-Based Performance Management System Mid-Year Review |
13-Jun-2023 |
13. Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the School-Based Feeding Program Orientation and Implementation Review |
5-Jun-2023 |
12. Procurement of ICT Equipment of Pangabuan IS |
15-May-2023 |
11. Procurement of ICT Equipment of Pangabuan IS |
12-May-2023 |
10. Procurement of ICT Equipment of Pangabuan IS |
04-May-2023 |
9. Procurement of Office Supplies of Pangabuan IS |
03-May-2023 |
8. Procurement of ICT Equipment of Pangabuan IS |
24-Apr-2023 |
7. Procurement of Office Supplies for Learning Resources and Development |
14-Apr-2023 |
6. Procurement of Sports Equipment for NMRAA 2023 |
14-Apr-2023 |
5. Procurement of Athletic Attire for the Division’s Participation to NMRAA 2023 |
14-Apr-2023 |
4. Procurement of Office Supplies of Lorenzo Tan NHS |
08-Mar-2023 |
3. Procurement of Office Supplies |
23-Feb-2023 |
2. Procurement of Office Supplies |
23-Feb-2023 |
1. Procurement of Load Cards as Communication Allowance |
23-Feb-2023 |
64. Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Management Committee Meeting |
13-Dec-2022 |
63. Procurement of Office Supplies of Sumirap NHS |
12-Dec-2022 |
62. Procurement of Uninterruptible Power Supply |
12-Dec-2022 |
61. Procurement of Meals and Snacks |
12-Dec-2022 |
60. Meals and Snacks for the Division Management Committee Meeting |
7-Dec-2022 |
59. Procurement of Sports Supplies and Equipment |
29-Nov-2022 |
58. Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Washback: Assessments that Matter |
4-Nov-2022 |
57. Procurement of Meals and Snacks |
4-Nov-2022 |
56. Procurement of Tablet as Learning Resource Equipment for Quarters 1, 2, & 3 for SY 2022-2023 |
28-Oct-2022 |
55. Procurement of Smart TV as Learning Resource Equipment for Quarters 1, 2, & 3 for SY 2022-2023 |
28-Oct-2022 |
54. Procurement of Office Supplies |
28-Oct-2022 |
53. Procurement of Office Supplies, Materials and Equipment of Sumirap NHS |
18-Oct-2022 |
52. Procurement of Office Supplies and Equipment of Tangub City CS |
18-Oct-2022 |
51. Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for Sumirap CS |
10-Oct-2022 |
50. Supply of Services to Conduct School Site’s Survey, Titling and Registration of Special Patents for 10 Schools and Division Office |
10-Oct-2022 |
49. Beautification and Facelifting of the Division Office |
6-Oct-2022 |
48. Procurement of Snacks for the 2022 National Teacher’s Month and World Teacher’s Day Celebration |
28-Sep-2022 |
47. Procurement of Load Cards as Communication Allowance |
21-Sep-2022 |
46. Procurement of Office Supplies of Bongabong Elementary School |
15-Sep-2022 |
45. Supply, Delivery and Installation of Window Coverings |
2-Sep-2022 |
44. Procurement of Office Tables and Chairs |
2-Sep-2022 |
43. Repair and Rehabilitation of Division Valley Gutter, Extension of Existing Driveway, Guard House Flooring and Reinstallation of Tiles |
25-Aug-2022 |
42. Procurement of ICT Supplies and Equipment |
24-Aug-2022 |
41. Procurement of Learning Resource Materials and Equipment for Quarters 1, 2 & 3 for SY 2022-2023 |
18-Aug-2022 |
40. Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Training Cum Workshop on Contextualized Television-Based and Radio-Based Instruction Lesson |
27-Jul-2022 |
39. Supply, Delivery, Installation of Security Cameras and other ICT Equipment and Upgrading of Network Infrastructure |
25-Jul-2022 |
38. Procurement of TVL Tools and Equipment of Silangit National High School |
07-Jul-2022 |
37. Procurement of Learning Resource Materials and Equipment for Quarters 1,2 & 3 for SY 2022-2023 |
28-Jun-2022 |
36. Procurement of Food Supplies for the Regional Seminar Workshop on the Preparation, Reconciliation, and Submission of CY 2022 Mid-Year Financial Reports |
20-Jun-2022 |
35. Procurement of Customized USB Flash Drive for the Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation, Reconciliation, and Submission of CY 2022 Mid-Year Financial Reports |
20-Jun-2022 |
34. Procurement of Customized Tumbler |
20-Jun-2022 |
33. Procurement of T-Shirt with collar for the Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation, Reconciliation, and Submission of CY 2022 Mid-Year Financial Reports |
20-Jun-2022 |
32. Procurement of Learning Tools and Equipment for Science and Mathematics |
16-Jun-2022 |
31. Procurement of Ink and Printers for Schools Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan |
16-Jun-2022 |
30. Procurement of Load Cards as Communication Allowance |
9-Jun-2022 |
29. Procurement for Board and Lodging for the Regional Seminar Workshop on the Preparation, Reconciliation, and Submission of CY 2022 Mid-Year Financial Reports |
9-Jun-2022 |
28. Procurement of Office Supplies |
20-May-2022 |
27. Procurement of Supplies for the 2022 SBFP Implementation |
29-Mar-2022 |
26. Repair of School’s Perimeter Fence of Lorenzo Tan NHS |
17-Mar-2022 |
25. Repair of School Building with 3 Classrooms for Lorenzo Tan NHS |
17-Mar-2022 |
24. Venue, Accommodation, Meals and Snacks for Gender and Development Training |
17-Mar-2022 |
23. Procurement of Enhanced Nutribun for School-Based Feeding Program 2022 Implementation |
16-Mar-2022 |
22. Procurement of Fortified/Enriched Bread for School-Based Feeding Program 2022 Implementation |
16-Mar-2022 |
21. Procurement of Milky Bun for School-Based Feeding Program 2022 Implementation |
16-Mar-2022 |
20. Procurement of Fresh Eggs for School-Based Feeding Program 2022 Implementation |
16-Mar-2022 |
19. Procurement of Fruit Juice for School-Based Feeding Program 2022 Implementation |
16-Mar-2022 |
18. Procurement of Office Supplies |
14-Mar-2022 |
17. Procurement of Meals and Snacks for HRTD Trainings and Workshops |
14-Mar-2022 |
16. Procurement of Supplies for HRTD Trainings and Workshops |
14-Mar-2022 |
15. Repair and Rehabilitation of Division Existing Pathway |
23-Feb-2022 |
14. Procurement of Office Supplies of Lorenzo Tan NHS |
17-Feb-2022 |
13. Repair of School’s Perimeter Fence of Lorenzo Tan NHS |
17-Feb-2022 |
12. Repair of School Building with 3 Classrooms for Grade 9 of Lorenzo Tan NHS |
17-Feb-2022 |
11. Procurement of Printing Supplies for Bongabong NHS |
14-Feb-2022 |
10. Procurement of Office Supplies for Bongabong NHS |
14-Feb-2022 |
9. Procurement of Communication Allowance |
10-Feb-2022 |
8. Procurement of Office Supplies of Sumirap NHS |
10-Feb-2022 |
7. Procurement of Office Supplies and Consumables of Minsubong ES |
08-Feb-2022 |
6. Procurement of Office Supplies for Mayor Alfonso Tan HS |
08-Feb-2022 |
5. Procurement of Office Supplies for Silanga ES |
08-Feb-2022 |
4. Procurement of Office Supplies and Equipment |
02-Feb-2022 |
3. Procurement of Office Supplies for Sumirap CS |
31-Jan-2022 |
2. Procurement of Printers for Tangub City Central School |
27-Jan-2022 |
1. Procurement of ICT Equipment of San Apolinario ES |
25-Jan-2022 |
75. Procurement of ICT Supplies and Equipment |
24-Dec-2021 |
74. Procurement of ICT Equipment |
23-Dec-2021 |
73. Repair and Rehabilitation of Existing Division Office Existing Pathway, Sanitary Lines and Fixtures |
22-Dec-2021 |
72. Supply and Installation of Window Coverings |
17-Dec-2021 |
71. Procurement of ALS RBI Learning Materials and Equipment |
10-Dec-2021 |
70. Procurement of Materials and Devices for Instructional Purposes of Learners with Disabilities (LWDs) |
15-Nov-2021 |
69. Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Reproduction of Learning Resources |
15-Nov-2021 |
68. Meals and Snacks for the Enhancement Training-Workshop on Pedagogies in Inclusive Education of LWDs, Multi-Factored Assessment Tool (MFAT) for Untrained Grade-I Teacher and Learning Delivery Modalities |
11-Nov-2021 |
67. Meals and Snacks for the 2021 Ang Tangkub Stellar Awards |
26-Oct-2021 |
66. Supplies and Materials for the 2021 HRTD Trainings and Workshops |
15-Oct-2021 |
65. Supplies and Materials for the Reproduction of ALS Learning Materials |
15-Oct-2021 |
64. Meals and Snacks for the Online Platform Enhancement Training for Non-Teaching Personnel |
13-Oct-2021 |
63. Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction of Learning Resources of Kindergarten to Grade 12 for the 1st and 2nd Quarter for SY 2021-2022 |
07-Sept-2021 |
62. Supply, Delivery, Installation and Configuration of Network Server and Rehabilitation/Upgrading of Existing Network Infrastructure |
30-Jun-2021 |
61. Supply and Delivery of Bondpaper for the Printing of Self-Learning Materials |
10-Jun-2021 |
60. Procurement of Office Supplies for the Reproduction of ALS Learning Materials |
07-Jun-2021 |
59. Supply, Delivery, Installation and Configuration of Network Server and Rehabilitation/Upgrading of Existing Network Infrastructure |
03-Jun-2021 |
58. Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Buildings – 5 Classrooms of Sumirap CS |
02-Jun-2021 |
57. Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Buildings – 5 Classrooms of Salimpuno ES |
02-Jun-2021 |
56. Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction of Learning Resources for Kinder to Grade 12 |
25-May-2021 |
55. Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction of Learning Resources for Kinder to Grade 12 |
25-May-2021 |
54. Repair and Rehabilitation of SDS Office, Mini Conference Room, Car Parking Shade and Division Landscape into Modern Contemporary |
22-Apr-2021 |
53. Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction of Self-Learning Modules |
31-Mar-2021 |
52. Procurement of Meals and Snacks for HRTD Trainings and Workshops for FY 2021 |
27-Mar-2021 |
51. Procurement of Office Supplies for IPEd Program |
27-Mar-2021 |
50. Procurement of Office Furniture and Fixture |
27-Mar-2021 |
49. Procurement of Steel Storage Rack |
27-Mar-2021 |
48. Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for Indigenous Peoples Education Program |
23-Mar-2021 |
47. Repair and Rehabilitation of SDS Office, Mini Conference Room, Car Parking Shade and Division Landscape into Modern Contemporary |
19-Mar-2021 |
46. Repair and Rehabilitation of Existing Water and Sewer Line Connections |
19-Mar-2021 |
45. Procurement of Medical Supplies and Devices |
18-Mar-2021 |
44. Procurement of Office Supplies for Lorenzo Tan NHS |
17-Mar-2021 |
43. Reproduction of the 3rd and 4th Quarter EPP, TLE & Senior High School Learning Resources |
16-Mar-2021 |
42. Procurement of Office Supplies |
15-Mar-2021 |
41. Procurement of ICT Equipment |
12-Mar-2021 |
40. Procurement of ICT Equipment |
12-Mar-2021 |
39. Reproduction of Self-Learning Modules for the 3rd and 4th Quarter for Kinder to Grade 3 |
12-Mar-2021 |
38. Procurement of Medical Supplies and Equipment |
03-Mar-2021 |
37. Procurement of Office Supplies |
19-Feb-2021 |
36. Repair and Rehabilitation of 150 m. Deep Well, Installation of Casing (4′ Dial) & 1 HP Centrifugal Pump System |
10-Feb-2021 |
35. Repair and Rehabilitation of School Buildings – 8 Classrooms Sta. Maria Central School (Extra Works) |
7-Dec-2020 |
34. Procurement of ICT Equipment |
3-Dec-2020 |
33. Procurement of MHPSS Supplies and Materials |
15-Sept-2020 |
32. Procurement of Supplies for SBFP-Milk Component |
11-Sept-2020 |
31. Procurement of MHPSS Supplies and Materials |
08-Sept-2020 |
30. Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction of Self-Learning Materials |
04-Sept-2020 |
29. Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Buildings – 6 Classrooms of San Apolinario ES |
15-Jan-2020 |
28. Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Buildings – 6 Classrooms of Tituron ES |
15-Jan-2020 |
27. Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Buildings – 6 Classrooms of Matugnao ES |
15-Jan-2020 |
26. Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Buildings – 6 Classrooms of Panalsalan ES |
15-Jan-2020 |
25. Upgrading and Modernization of School Electrical Distribution System of Caniangan NHS |
15-Jan-2020 |
24. Upgrading and Modernization of School Electrical Distribution System of Pangabuan IS |
15-Jan-2020 |
23. Upgrading and Modernization of School Electrical Distribution System of Sta. Maria NHS |
15-Jan-2020 |
22. Upgrading and Modernization of School Electrical Distribution System of Maloro IS |
15-Jan-2020 |
21. Procurement of Supplies, Medicines and Instruments for Dental Services |
18-Dec-2019 |
20. Catering Services for First Aid and Basic Life Support Training |
17-Dec-2019 |
19. Catering Services for Teacher-Adviser Training Program |
17-Dec-2019 |
18. Catering Services for YES-O Training |
17-Dec-2019 |
17. Hotel Accommodation Including Meals and Venue for Training |
14-Dec-2019 |
16. Catering Services for IPED Training |
14-Dec-2019 |
15. Catering Services for the Seminar on Retooling of School Heads |
09-Dec-2019 |
14. Catering Services for CI Training |
6-Dec-2019 |
13. Repair of Classroom to be used/converted to Dental/Medical Clinic of Sumirap CS and Tangub City CS
26-Nov-2019 |
12. Repair of Classroom to be used/converted to Dental/Medical Clinic of Lorenzo Tan Memorial CS and Sta. Maria CS |
26-Nov-2019 |
11. Repair and Rehabilitation of Division Office Building |
26-Nov-2019 |
10. Procurement of Medical Equipment |
14-Nov-2019 |
9. Procurement of Medical Equipment |
14-Nov-2019 |
8. Catering Services for Two-day Sports Training |
25-Oct-2019 |
7. Procurement of Sports Materials |
25-Oct-2019 |
6. Catering Services for Training |
24-Sep-2019 |
5. Catering Services for Training |
19-Sep-2019 |
4. Catering Services for Training |
18-Sep-2019 |
3. Procurement of Office Furniture |
14-Aug-2019 |
2. Procurement of ICT Equipment |
06-Aug-2019 |
1. Procurement of Office Equipment |
06-Aug-2019 |