Bancnet Registration


User Account Registration

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Step 1: Click on the Register Now Button

Step 2: Read the Terms and Conditions for the use of BancNet Online. Click the checkbox ‘I Agree with the Terms and Conditions’ to signify agreement to the terms and conditions, and click the [Next] button.

Step 3: Input preferred username and password. Make sure to follow the requirements for both the username and the password. Click the [Next] button to proceed.

Step 4: Input your personal and contact information. Once complete, click the [Next] button to proceed to the last step of the registration.

Step 5: The information entered in steps 2 and 3 will be displayed. Please double-check the details entered and click the [Submit] once verified.

A window will appear entitled Registration Successful. Click [OK] button to proceed to ATM Card Enrolment.



Step 1: Click the Enrol ATM Card menu or follow the instructions after successful account registration.

Step 2: Read the Terms and Conditions for the enrolment of ATM cards to BancNet Online. Click the checkbox ‘I Agree with the Terms and Conditions’ to signify agreement to the terms and conditions, and click the [Next] button.

Step 3: Input Bank Information and Mobile number and click the [Next] button to proceed.

Step 4: Enter the ATM card and account information. Then, input your ATM PIN using the dynamic PIN keypad. Click the [Next] button to proceed to the confirmation page

Step 5: The information entered in steps 2 and 3 will be displayed. Please double-check the details entered and click [Submit] once verified.

A window will appear entitled ATM Card Enrolment Successful. Click [Yes] button to enroll another card to your BancNet Online account, otherwise click [No].

After a successful Registration and ATM Card Enrolment, wait for your bank to approve your request. An SMS will be received within 7 days telling you that your request is approved.